My son’s heart beat is slowing down and I’m in agony.

The pain continues on.

For the next two days I’m still suffering from the labor,I never knew that anyone could actually vomit from pain, but I am vomiting from the pain and every time the labor pains come I feel as though my back is going to break, I think he’s pushing his feet on my spine I have no idea what’s going on and the drugs are not helping and they can’t give me anything stronger because it will affect the baby.

My doctor comes in and he can hear my baby’s heart rate slowing down and does a C-section immediatly.I’ve been screaming fo two days now to get it out of me, the nurse gives me a look like there’s something wrong with me for calling the baby it, but I can’t help it, I feel like I’m being killed slowly.

Uh,he’s finally come out, Oh thank God. I can hear them cleaning him up and trying to get him to cry, I wait I hear nothing I think to myself that too long a time is passing by and then suddenly I hear him, I hear my baby boy crying, Oh my God what a relief I can hear my baby’s raspy voice. Jesus it sound like a munchkin version of his father’s voice.

The Doctors can see I’m in too much pain to hold my son, so they hand him to my mother and I say OMG he’s a human peach in my voice that sounds like a half-broken whisper.

I can hear a nurse saying he’s nine pounds and eight ounces.

And the pain continues.

I’ve got a crush on my gynocologist

harpoI’m twenty-three years old,I’m pregnant and I’ve gained seventy pounds. I look like a whale and the only shoes that I can manage to fit into are very large sneakers. I don’t know it but I have toxemia.

My baby boy is developing well, but I don’t feel well at all this pregnancy is very hard on me, but since it’s my first I have nothing to compare it to.

I love my doctor because he’s kind to me, when he see’s me he smiles and shows compassion for my condition, I feel that he has taken the place of the father of this wonderful baby I’m having because he’s acting the way I thought my husband should act at this time. My doctor looks a lot like Harpo Marks from the Marks Brothers, long blond curly hair, white skin and a slight mental problem, he seems a little strange and goofy, but I’ve got a crush because he seems to care for me and my baby besides he very famous for helping infertile couples and high risk pregnancy. Gee, he’s even been on Oprah, I feel very confident in my doctor who looks like Harpo Marx.

I found out later that he was a cocaine addict and after my son was born he was sued for malpractice and not allowed to work.

I feel the pains coming on I need to go to the hospital. OMG!!!! the pains so strong I feel I could die, please help nurse help me!!!!!.
“It’s going to be ok Christine”.